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RNS:: Hi-Launcher user's manual

Adding new items to the MenuRNS:: logo

You should begin with opening the Design The Menu screen in Hi-Launcher Settings. Then follow these steps:

  1. Tap the Plus button under the main list. This will add an empty item to the list.
  2. Select an action for the new item from the Item type drop-down list. Tap here to learn about all available Menu item types.
  3. Many item types require further configuration, e.g. for the Program item, you must select which program to run. For the Setting item - which panel in system Settings to open. For the Go To item - the address to which the web browser should navigate, etc. Tap here for detailed information about each item type.
  4. Enter a caption for the item in the Caption text field, or uncheck the checkbox to get a "captionless" (iconic) item.
  5. You may adjust the appearance of the item using the Colors group or the Menu > Item > Properties menu command.
  6. After adding one or more items to the list, tap OK to finalize the creation of the Menu.
  7. Use your selected trigger to display the Menu.
Related help topicsRNS:: logo

Design The Menu screen
Item Properties screen

See alsoRNS:: logo
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User's ManualDownload the complete User's Manual as a PDF document.

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