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RNS:: contact form

Contact usRNS:: logo
Welcome to our Support Form - the primary way of contacting us.
The more information you enter in the fields below, the better we can assist you:
Step 1 - describe your messageRNS:: logo
Put a mark next to RNS:: software title related to your enquiry:
Butterfly - Much more then color themes - customize every color in the system color theme!
HBX - Launch over 16 applications with only 4 hard buttons of your Palm device.
Hi-Launcher - Windows-like Start Menu for Palm OS! Switch between applications immediately!
HoHo - Mobile phone ringtones and MIDI files creator, editor, player and converter.
Toolbar+ - Add new icons to the default command bar!
TopAreaCodes - See your caller's city/state name and area map when your phone rings.
TopGuardEx - Extend and customize the functionality of the Keyguard on your Treo phone.
TopNewRingtones - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your SD card!
TopRingtoneInstaller - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your desktop computer!
TopSelecText - Highlight text with the 5-Way Navigator. Dial numbers by pressing Shift+Center.
WeekUp Alarm Clock - Have a weekly schedule? Set alarms once - always wake up on time!
- an RNS:: product that is not listed above.
- the message is not related to any RNS:: product.

Your message contains:
Step 2 - the messageRNS:: logo
Message subject:

This is a required field and it cannot be left blank.


This is a required field and it cannot be left blank.
Step 3 - tell us about yourselfRNS:: logo
What PDA model are you using?

Examples: "Treo 650 Verizon", "LifeDrive", "Tungsten T3"

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

We will never share your address with any third parties nor send you any messages unrelated to your enquiry.
Step 4 - submit the messageRNS:: logo
Security question (SPAM protection):
Image with text to rewrite
Rewrite the text from the image above backwards:

This is a required field and it cannot be left blank.

Press this button and our Support Specialist will contact you within 2 business days.
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