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Featured software: Hi-LauncherRNS:: logo
Why return to launcher to switch applications?
      Why search for the right icon among tens of others?
            Design your own Start menu!
                 Pop up the menu over any application!

RNS:: Hi-Launcher introduces the Windows-like Start menu to your Palm device.
This gives Palm OS the new feel of a multitasking system where you can switch directly from one application to another. You can design the menu yourself. For your convenience, include only those items that you use most often.
Popular softwareRNS:: logo
Save and load web pages from the SD card with your favorite web browser.
Cuckoo Clock
Cuckoo Clock
Your mobile device will cuckoo out loud every hour - like an old wall clock!
ApplicationsRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Cuckoo ClockCuckoo Clock - Your mobile device will cuckoo out loud every hour - like an old wall clock!Download Cuckoo Clock
English TesterEnglish Tester - Prepare for examinations using the ultimate English language Tester.Download English Tester
HoHoHoHo - Mobile phone ringtones and MIDI files creator, editor, player and converter.Download HoHo
Memory ScannerMemory Scanner - Find everything anywhere in the memory of your mobile device!Download Memory Scanner
Rapid MovieRapid Movie - Sequential shooting camera and time-lapse video recorder.Download Rapid Movie
WeekUp Alarm ClockWeekUp Alarm Clock - Have a weekly schedule? Set alarms once - always wake up on time!Download WeekUp Alarm Clock
WiFiTalkieWiFiTalkie - Turn your Palm device into a Walkie-Talkie!Download WiFiTalkie

ClickClick Alarm - The simplest way to install polyphonic alarm sounds to your PDA!Download ClickClick Alarm
IRRcalc - Calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) for your investments.Download IRRcalc
Student - School timetable planner for all students.Download Student
tumemos - Edit two memos at once!Download tumemos
UtilitiesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Big ClipboardBig Clipboard - Alternative clipboard with unlimited size and simplified access.Download Big Clipboard
ButterflyButterfly - Much more then color themes - customize every color in the system color theme!Download Butterfly
HBXHBX - Launch over 16 applications with only 4 hard buttons of your Palm device.Download HBX
Hi-LauncherHi-Launcher - Windows-like Start Menu for Palm OS! Switch between applications immediately!Download Hi-Launcher
HTML ViewerHTML Viewer - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XML) viewer with syntax coloring.Download HTML Viewer
Let's BeamLet's Beam - Toggle beam protection of any database. Beam and send protected databases.Download Let's Beam
Memo2CardMemo2Card - Add-on for the Memos program: load and save memos on your SD card.Download Memo2Card
Sub-LauncherSub-Launcher - Launch any application on top of the current application!Download Sub-Launcher
Time LoggerTime Logger - Time Logger counts how much time you spend in each application on your PDA.Download Time Logger
Toolbar+Toolbar+ - Add new icons to the default command bar!Download Toolbar+

Butterfly Themes - Load color themes for the system or for each application separately.Download Butterfly Themes
Soft Reset - Can a soft reset be customized?Download Soft Reset
SSX - Does your Palm device sound boring?Download SSX
GPS SoftwareRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Calorie GPSCalorie GPS - Track your caloric consumption during your everyday activities or sports!Download Calorie GPS
Speedometer GPSSpeedometer GPS - Auxiliary speedometer and odometer for your car with GPS satellite precision.Download Speedometer GPS

NMEA Logger - Writes raw NMEA data from a GPS receiver directly to a file on a memory card.Download NMEA Logger
Path2KML - Log your path with a GPS receiver and then view it in Google Earth.Download Path2KML
Only for Treo and Centro smartphonesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
TopAreaCodesTopAreaCodes - See your caller's city/state name and area map when your phone rings.Download TopAreaCodes
TopCallLogToolTopCallLogTool - The set of tools performing call log operations that Treo phones are missing.Download TopCallLogTool
TopCameraTimerTopCameraTimer - Self timer for the built-in Camera application on your Treo smartphone.Download TopCameraTimer
TopCommandBarTopCommandBar - Rediscover command bar - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopCommandBar
TopCrashLogTopCrashLog - Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.Download TopCrashLog
TopGuardExTopGuardEx - Extend and customize the functionality of the Keyguard on your Treo phone.Download TopGuardEx
TopNewRingtonesTopNewRingtones - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your SD card!Download TopNewRingtones
TopOfflineViewerTopOfflineViewer - Save and load web pages from the SD card with your favorite web browser.Download TopOfflineViewer
TopRingtoneInstallerTopRingtoneInstaller - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your desktop computer!Download TopRingtoneInstaller
TopSelecTextTopSelecText - Highlight text with the 5-Way Navigator. Dial numbers by pressing Shift+Center.Download TopSelecText
TopShortCutsTopShortCuts - Rediscover shortcuts - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopShortCuts
TopSignalOnKeyguardTopSignalOnKeyguard - Phone range/signal and battery level indicator on the Keyguard.Download TopSignalOnKeyguard
TopVCardReceiverTopVCardReceiver - Save vCard objects received via SMS directly to your Contacts.Download TopVCardReceiver

TopHomeFix Hack - Restores the Home button functionality on Treo 680 and 700p phones.Download TopHomeFix Hack
TopNaviText - Quickly move the blinking cursor around text fields with the 5-Way Navigator.Download TopNaviText
Only for CliéRNS:: logo
Clié AudioPlayer Stylus Volume and Position Hack - Enhance the built in AudioPlayer software!Download Clié AudioPlayer Stylus Volume and Position Hack
Clié Date on Status - Tap the clock part of the Clié status bar to see the current date.Download Clié Date on Status
Clié Jog MP3 Playback Hack - Control the background MP3 playback without switching windows.Download Clié Jog MP3 Playback Hack
HacksRNS:: logo
Alert Hack - Sets intuitive colors to system alert windows depending on their type.Download Alert Hack
Smooth Scroll Hack - Enables a visual effect of smooth scrolling for list and text field windows.Download Smooth Scroll Hack
TapMap - Creates a statistical map showing where you have been tapping.Download TapMap
Tips Hack - Adds a scrollbar and a menu to "Tips" windows in all programs.Download Tips Hack
GamesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Beer CollectorBeer Collector - Test your reflex with RNS:: Beer Collector! It's a game you cannot win.Download Beer Collector

Bombel - Bored? Stressed? Vexed? Pop some bubble wrap "bombels"!Download Bombel
Curling - Use your stylus as a broom!Download Curling
Hanoi Towers - Test your mind with RNS:: Hanoi Towers!Download Hanoi Towers
OtherRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Bronze Themes Set for ButterflyBronze Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Gold Themes Set for ButterflyGold Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Platinum Themes Set for ButterflyPlatinum Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Silver Themes Set for ButterflySilver Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.

Mider for HoHo - Easily add MIDI files to your PDA. Also get them back to your PC.Download Mider for HoHo
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