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RNS:: software for Palm Treo and Centro smartphones RSS channel - RNS:: software for Treo smartphones

Our commitment to Treo devicesRNS:: logo
Recently, RNS:: has been focusing mainly on the development of smartphone utilities.
We are proud of having created so many famous titles for the Treo smartphone family:
Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 680, Treo 700p, Treo 755p, and Palm Centro.
Featured software: TopNewRingtonesRNS:: logo
The simplest and quickest way to install MP3 ringtones to your smartphone!

Use RNS:: TopNewRingtones to import new ringtones from your SD memory card.

Enjoy your favorite MP3 ringtones on your Treo or Centro phone!
Popular softwareRNS:: logo
Rediscover shortcuts - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!
Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.
All software for Treo and Centro smartphonesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
TopAreaCodesTopAreaCodes - See your caller's city/state name and area map when your phone rings.Download TopAreaCodes
TopCallLogToolTopCallLogTool - The set of tools performing call log operations that Treo phones are missing.Download TopCallLogTool
TopCameraTimerTopCameraTimer - Self timer for the built-in Camera application on your Treo smartphone.Download TopCameraTimer
TopCommandBarTopCommandBar - Rediscover command bar - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopCommandBar
TopCrashLogTopCrashLog - Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.Download TopCrashLog
TopGuardExTopGuardEx - Extend and customize the functionality of the Keyguard on your Treo phone.Download TopGuardEx
TopNewRingtonesTopNewRingtones - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your SD card!Download TopNewRingtones
TopOfflineViewerTopOfflineViewer - Save and load web pages from the SD card with your favorite web browser.Download TopOfflineViewer
TopRingtoneInstallerTopRingtoneInstaller - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your desktop computer!Download TopRingtoneInstaller
TopSelecTextTopSelecText - Highlight text with the 5-Way Navigator. Dial numbers by pressing Shift+Center.Download TopSelecText
TopShortCutsTopShortCuts - Rediscover shortcuts - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopShortCuts
TopSignalOnKeyguardTopSignalOnKeyguard - Phone range/signal and battery level indicator on the Keyguard.Download TopSignalOnKeyguard
TopVCardReceiverTopVCardReceiver - Save vCard objects received via SMS directly to your Contacts.Download TopVCardReceiver

TopHomeFix HackTopHomeFix Hack - Restores the Home button functionality on Treo 680 and 700p phones.Download TopHomeFix Hack
TopNaviTextTopNaviText - Quickly move the blinking cursor around text fields with the 5-Way Navigator.Download TopNaviText
More softwareRNS:: logo
Apart from the software presented above, we have developed many more applications for the Palm OS platform.
Visit the Software for Palm OS page for the complete list of these titles. Most of them work on Treo devices.
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