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RNS:: TopRingtoneInstaller

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS
Target device: Treo and Centro

RSS channel - RNS:: TopRingtoneInstaller Overview of TopRingtoneInstaller 2.1RNS:: logo
RNS:: TopRingtoneInstaller - icon TopRingtoneInstaller:
The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your desktop computer!

Quick links:
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Version history for RNS:: TopRingtoneInstallerVersion history
RNS:: TopRingtoneInstaller - software screenshot
TreoRingtoneInstaller becomes TopRingtoneInstallerRNS:: logo
This application now supports Treo and Centro smartphones, so we decided to give it a more general name. RNS:: TreoRingtoneInstaller was renamed to RNS:: TopRingtoneInstaller. Free updates for all RNS:: products are still valid for renamed products.
As simple as it can be!RNS:: logo
TopRingtoneInstaller is a desktop application that can load any MP3 and MIDI file from your PC and install it directly to your Treo or Centro smartphone, making it available for the Phone. TopRingtoneInstaller is as simple as it can be. The following example shows 3 simple steps of installing a ringtone:

Step 1Step 1 Select

Step 2Step 2 Synchronize

Step 3Step 3 Apply
Features of TopRingtoneInstallerRNS:: logo

TopRingtoneInstaller can install virtually any MP3 or MIDI file to your Treo or Centro smartphone, however in some rare occasions (depending on the music file format) the "Phone" application may not be able to play it. The size of MIDI files is restricted by the system to no more than 64K. MP3 files can be of any size, but remember that the memory of your device is limited. After installing a ringtone, you may modify its properties or remove it with the built-in "Sounds" application.

Treo smartphone models that support MIDI ringtones only: Treo 180, Treo 180g, Treo 270, Treo 300, Treo 600. Models that support MP3 and MIDI ringtones: Treo 650, Treo 680, Treo 700p, Treo 755p, Palm Centro.

MIDI or MP3?RNS:: logo
We all know MP3 music, and now we can use them as ringtones for Treo or Centro phones.
But you may not be aware that MIDI ringtones have several advantages over MP3 ringtones: they are really small, their sound is clear, and many of them were created especially for being a ringtone.
Finding free MIDI ringtones to feed TopRingtoneInstaller is also trivial!
We've prepared special Google search results for you:
TopRingtoneInstaller user's resourcesRNS:: logo
Forum threadsForum - read comments about TopRingtoneInstaller and post your own messages.
Much more for your Treo or Centro smartphone!RNS:: logo
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Visit the Software for Treo and Centro smartphones web site to discover all our applications for your phone!
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