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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Sony CLIE Polyphony Support??RNS:: logo
Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 11th, 2003
Hey RaNo,

Just FYI: Sony CLIEs also have support for Polyphonic Alarms. However, note the following notes which I have gathered (but not personally verified):

  • Full documentation on how to support/drive the Yamaha Chip is made available by Sony for their Palm OS v4.x CLIEs only. OS v5.x CLIEs have an entirely different approach, and minimal documentation is given on this.
  • Sony CLIEs support both the System_MIDI_Files Database, as well as their own version DB (I don't recall the name at the moment), which stores the CLIE's Polyphonic and ATRAC format sounds.
  • Did I spell ATRAC Correctly?
  • Both Polyphonic MIDI and ATRAC sounds are stored in the same DB!
  • Did I spell ATRAC Correctly?
  • There is a brief explanation of this at the FAQ for DateBk5 by PimLico Software (note that the this site has no affiliation or association with RaNoSoft!)
  • Someone REALLY needs to try to write a shared library for Palm OS to support the new CLIE sound API!
  • DO NOT ask RaNo to do this, as he spends enough of his time on projects like, uh, oh, I don't know, uh, HoHo, Butterfly, HBX, this, that, and the other...
  • Just how many ongoing projects are you currently trying to juggle RaNo??

Catch you Later!


Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 11th, 2003
If anyone out there has any trouble reading the previous submission, please note that, for some reason, I thought that I was manually composing an E-Mail in HTML. If you will please check back tomorrow, hopefully RaNo will be nice enough to set things straight??? :|

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 20th, 2003
Well perhaps it is not "tomorrow" (I was on holidays for a few days), but I've just cleaned up the HTML in your message.

I'm afraid I won't create the library since - as you have noticed - I've already got lots of projects ongoing. I am the support for my programs myself. Currently there are about 15 products that require my continuous attention - you can have a look at them here. The truth is I spend more time replying to all kinds of correspondence than on programming (creating new projects or updating the existing ones).

Thanks for helping me with the HoHo Discussion, Aaron. I've seen lots of your replies right here which I find very helpful. I'll make it worth your while - see the e-mail you have just received! :-)

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 21st, 2003
Yes, I know you've got quite a bit of work to do, I thought I made it clear... well, it was clear to me... that NO ONE was to ask or even suggest that you try to take on another project! I was hoping to find a volunteer or two from the other readers of this column to try to create a general purpose library that would make it easier on people like you (not to mention numerous others, no doubt).

Oh, and speaking of "vacations", my computer has been taking a "vacation" ever since I purchased that CPU and defective motherboard on eBay. Great stuff! Would be better if I could get it to work!! I could have sent it back to the seller, and he said he would have been happy to exchange it and send me the new one, except, while working on it, I broke a USB connecter on the back.

To make a long story short, I may not be as active here as I was/would like to be for a while. If it hadn't been for City and County Libraries, I would have gone insane. gone insane. gone in. gone insa. ne insane. gone....

--The sadistic one!
nsane. gone ins.
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