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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

New usage of Hi-Launcher in WM6.5.x and requestsRNS:: logo
iusauser wrote: February 15th, 2011
Hi, recently I started a thread in xda-developers with a set of small apps developed in xda, working together, where Hi-Launcher is the core component


The purpose of this message, only is leave some useful feedback (by means the xda link), and mention that your application can be of great interest in the latest buids of WM, as around the world there will still be many users of this platform (despite WP7; just see the amount of WM 6.x developed apps in progress) ...And yes, the thread mentions some small negative points ...BUT at this time no other launcher has the features of Hi-Launcher which are highlighted in that thead.

And also, a small amount of request (plus those described in the mentioned xda thead)

-Default settings at installing in "Launchpad mode" (see screen captures in xda)

-An easier way to make menus of several iconic columns, because is some difficult to design in the actual version (new "pad mode" design option)

-Semitransparent background option

-The option to make the icons bigger

-One more official menu trigger option added (the 5th option):
.Start button tap
.Hard button press
.Screen gesture
.ESC KEY (predefined, to obtain official compatibility with the trigger method of my xda thead, without the need to manually overwrite the "Triggers.RNS_Hi-Launcher" file

Maybe an additional trigger option (rectangular area in top bar), in parallel to above options

Best regards
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