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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

Future request for version 1.2RNS:: logo
tamtam wrote: August 3rd, 2010
as a user of Palm glad that the program appeared on Windows Mobile.

I suggest the following additions:
- To postpone the button Today function time, date and etc. or do when you press the button during the transition to Today.
I have now:
icon/button Today
icon/button 16:45 [вторник, 03/08/10]
I want to:
icon/button 16:45 [вторник, 03/08/10] Press this button/icon - today
- Function does not support back when clicking on a split from the submenu, if you make the split at the bottom
- Add missed calls and sms
- Switching profiles call
- Add weather, task, meeting
- Button/icon new task, meeting, contact
- Adjusts backlight
- The ability to add links to folders
- Have the choice to adjust the height of items / icons. At WVGA small enough to control finger
- The ability to choose font and size

Good luck in the development of the program!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 7th, 2010
Thanks for the ideas. In fact yu already can perform several of your suggestions:
- You can add folder links with the "Program" item type.
- You can adjust item height in Display Options > Contents
- You can adjust font size in Start > Settings > System tab > Screen > Text Size tab.

tamtam wrote: August 13th, 2010
I am glad that my suggestions seem interesting to you.

But I want to clarify:
- I want to be able to make reference to any folder. Example: the folder with labels which are specific files.
- I'm using this option (Display Options > Contents), but it is not possible to draw icons size 64 * 64 and control touch. You can increase the value of the regulator for WVGA Screen?
- This option (Start > Settings > System tab > Screen > Text Size tab) increases the text in all programs, and does not allow to use other fonts.
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