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RNS:: TopGuardEx forum thread

Does TG-EX change button function; If so, how do I uninstall?RNS:: logo
Max Mahaffee wrote: April 10th, 2008
Since installing this nifty little utility, I just noticed that I cannot hit any button except for the red "power" button on my Treo 680 (GSM unlocked on the Suncom network) to wake it up. Is this a function of this software? Is there a way to change this?

If this is caused by the RNS:: TopGuardEx, is there anything special about uninstalling? (I see "RNS:: TG--size of 13 kb--when I go through the delete-ready programs....just delete that? Do I need to do a soft reset?)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 10th, 2008
Yes, this is the expexted behavior, but you can easily disable this option. Go to the "Prefs" application, and open the "RNS:: TGE" panel there. Disable the "Enhanced Keyguard" option.

Yes, to uninstall the software use the "App"=>"Delete" feature of the built-in launcher. There is no need to do the soft reset or anything else.
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