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RNS:: Sub-Launcher forum thread

TX CrashesRNS:: logo
Rory Dalzell wrote: March 23rd, 2007
I tried out Sub-Launcher and whilst I like the concept it kept crashing my TX, not sure if it is a NVFS issue

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 23rd, 2007
Try with different version of Accessorizer - from my experience, the older 0.27 version (the one that is distributed with Sub-Launcher) works better on some devices than the most recent version.

Rory Dalzell wrote: March 24th, 2007
The version of Accessorizer that I used was the version distributed with Sub-Launcher, should I be using v .32?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 24th, 2007
Yes, you should try.

Charles wrote: March 26th, 2007
Just testing Sub Launcher now on my Treo 680.

I can see the logic of using this app, I can call any app on my Palm.
If I just user Accessorizer, I can call any app, but I need to make the DA first.
But with Sub Launcher I can call an app I only use once in a blue moon, without having to make a DA first. Cool.

Bug report:
Using a Treo680.
I'm using the latest Accessorizer 0.34
I'm using Initiate, but SL launches to to the Palm launcher, but I think is is because Initiate does not assert itself strongly enough on the Home button.
I have assigned the SL call button as Hold the Option/Control button.
If I call SL from the Phone app it causes a soft reset.

I tried changing the SL button to Hold Menu, but it still causes a reset in the Phone app ?


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 27th, 2007
Charles, you should try with a different version of Accessorizer. I'm working with 0.27 (which I find the most stable on Treo 680), and I don't get any crashes when sublaunching from the Phone app or with the press-and-hold the Menu key configuration.

JW wrote: March 30th, 2007
Just bought and tried on my Treo 700P, used 0.27 of Accessorizer that came with App..From Phone app I crash and had to do "warm reset" not soft ..said 68k errors on my crash report? Also tried again from web browser to calc same results crashed when hit my home key..I just use launcher that comes on system.
Totally bad for me since I want to trust it will work. You wrote in your forum you know there are problems with this on Treo ? Why is that not stated on Palm Gear site..seems not fair since it should be Free and let people beta..will not ask for refund but why not let it all be beta or tell the truth..will crash your Treo 700p..I can guarantee that now..

Hope you can get it to work..was sold the dream but luckily avoided Nightmare with warm reset!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 2nd, 2007
Thanks for this report. Most of the crashes are caused by the Accessorizer's part which I cannot fix unfortunately. You may try with different versions of Accessorizer. Note that Accessorizer has always been marked as a beta software, also when bundled with Sub-Launcher.
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