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RNS:: Speedometer GPS forum thread

Speedo GPS for Snow SkiingRNS:: logo
Ski Boy T wrote: March 27th, 2009
Since I was a kid I've wanted to know how fast I was skiing. Last week I discovered (and bought) Speedo GPS a few minutes before leaving to catch a flight for a ski trip.

For three days my friends and I took turns using Speedo GPS to measure our max (and average) speeds while snow skiing. It was a lot of fun. Top speeds were 41, 42, and 44 mph.


Any guess as to the accuracy at that speed range (with a Tom Tom Wireless GPS MkII)?

Is the speedo measuring horizontal speed (ignoring the change in altitude) or is it a true 3D velocity (for example could the speedo be used for sky diving)?

Speedo GPS is a great little program that delivers as promised. Since I'm only interested in the stats after a run, I would like a skin (or mode) that always displays the 'LCD Options' screen (I have my Palm T3 zipped in a pocket while skiing and don't look at real-time data).

Thanks in advance.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 28th, 2009
The velocity is calculated over the ground only. This is mostly because popular GPS receivers aren't very accurate as far as altitude is concerned. This cannot be fixed by any software.

As a result, if you're skydiving directly downwards, then your GPS speed would be zero. Also, your skiing speeds were most porbably higher than shown by the software.

Speedometer GPS allows up to 4 LCD displays in one skin, so you'll have to use the "LCD Options" screen. It can be displayed all the time that you use the software.
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