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RNS:: HoHo reviews by Handango customers

Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Six Stars!!! :) RNS:: has implemented every feature and enhancement I've suggested or even wished for! There goes Ringo, no need for that! And whoops! There goes AlarmMaster, too! Awww yeah! This is a must have for any alarm/ringtone fanatic! If RNS can implement beaming ring tones to cell phones, that would be uber cool, but even without that it's easy enough to compose a tune with HoHo, then input the correct notation into the cell phone the old fashioned way. SOoooo much better than all that trial and error on the cell phone ring tone editors! Three cheers for RNS:: HoHo! HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY! :)
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