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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

uploading tones to nokia phonesRNS:: logo
Judy Spradley wrote: July 25th, 2003
Now that I have a cell phone, HoHo has become a generator of tunes for ringtones for the phone. But I had difficulty finding out how to get the tones into the phone. Here is what I figured out. Bear in mind this is for Nokia phones with "blank" spaces for adding tones. If you go to your My Tones menu, you will see a list of melodies with "personal" at the end of the list. Also, You have to have the ability to receive text messages. If you have another type phone that meets these requirements, this may be of benefit to you also.

1. Create your melody with HoHo and save it as "rtttl" format.
2. Call your mobile service provider and find out what the email address is for your phone to receive text messages.
3. Go to www.cellringtones.com. They have a list of FREE ringtones you can send to your phone, as well as a converter.
4. Under the cellringtones.com website, go to the ringtone converter.
5. Type in the space provided the text of your rtttl melody.
6. Type in the space provided your phone's email address.
7. Hit the send button.
8. Your phone will ring and display a "ringtone received" message giving you the option of playing the tone, saving the tone, or erasing the tone if you do not like it. That's it!

steve julien wrote: August 20th, 2003
how doni get ring for my GSM phone. I live in Trinidad west indies

Orlando Guzman wrote: December 13th, 2003
I have been trying to figure out how to get midi files from my palm directly to my Nokia 3650 phone via the IR ports of each device. The Nokia 3650 can read and playback MIDI directly so I thought it would be a fast, easy, and cheap way to get new ringtones since I can download midi files 'til I'm blue in the tooth! :)

I've succesfully sent memos, addresses, and calendar appointments using IR and it works great from Palm to Nokia 3650 (the phone gives me the option to save the messages to the appropriate place, i.e. contacts, calendar etc.)

I thought that with Pilot Install and HoHo I would be able to do this, but I've read through the HoHo FAQ and it's not very clear how one can actually get the "converted files" over to the phone once they've been exported.

Here are my specific questions:
1. Can I send MIDI files directly from my Palm to my Nokia 3650 using HOHO and the IR port? If not what software allows this?

2. If I can't send the midi files directly can I export them to memo format that I can then beam over to my phone? I want to know that someone has actually been succesful doing this before I buy the software.

(Here's my software idea for you - no charge) If you really want to create a nice piece of software that will sell, create a midi/ringtone install tool for a PC desktop to hotsync midi and or ringtone files to a palm device then create a palm application that will allow you to beam the midi files or ringtone files using IRDA or Bluetooth to cel phones. 2 simple to use applications with interfaces that are in common use by other apps. Think mass market, not niche computer geek/hack tools.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 13th, 2003
If only your cell phone accepts MIDI files, you can beam these from HoHo's MIDI Manager.

Please note, however, that only the most recent version of MIDI Manager (bundled with HoHo 4.1) supports beaming to the cell phones.

Orlando G wrote: December 15th, 2003

Thanks for your reply. I was able to beam a midi file over to my phone from the palm using your midi manager. Unfortunately, the phone (nokia 3650) recieved it as an unknown format.

Since my phone is WAP and GPRS enabled, I have been able to successfully download midi files from the internet to the phone by typing in a URL on my phone. Example: http://gezz.net/midi/crymeariver.mid

Since this incurs a fee (I pay by the byte) and is tedious at best, I would rather download them to my PC and transfer them via the palm, but it looks like I may not be able to without changes in your software.

In reading nokia's website info about my phone it appears that only palm calendar, memos, and contacts are beam compatible with my phone. I don't know what it would take to make your software compatible with beaming midi and/or nokia compatible ringtones (RTTL?) without creating somekind of wrapper or ID header that the phone understood.

When I sucessfully download a midi file to my phone, it opens in the sound recorder program that comes with my phone, from this phone app I am able to play and save the midi file to my phone's memory.

I will probably just buy a USB bluetooth or IRDA device for my PC so that I can transfer the files over to the phone directly.

Thanks again and good luck with your apps. Let me know if you update your software with additional drivers and plug-ins.

Thank you,

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2003
Are you sure you used the MIDI Manager delivered together with HoHo 4.1 and not 4.0 or older? I'm asking, because I have updated the MIDI Manager Plug-In in version 4.1 so that it sends the MIDI files in standard MIDI format with standard MIDI headers, etc.

Yogev wrote: February 1st, 2004
Thanks Orlando G!
You've been very helpful :)
I've been looking for an answer to that so long...

gEORHE wrote: April 6th, 2004
i wanted to know if anyone knows a way to create polynumeric voice rigtones, I have att service and am clueless

shenelle wrote: October 26th, 2004
i want to know how do i get downloadable ringtones to my gsm cellphones

trl wrote: November 18th, 2004
i don't have the browser feature on my cell phone but i would lik to get some free ringtones help please

Ajoy Hom Roy wrote: February 10th, 2005
The Sound Of Music-Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kitten;Doe a deer a female deer, Ray adrop of golden Sun,-IN RTTTL Text May Please Be Sent.

Shane wrote: July 3rd, 2005
take a look here http://www.meomo.com

the site is free and lets you upload and download tones and images and also there are lots of free java games and true tones there as well. They have some real cool R&B voice tones by snoop dog etc.

oh you need gprs to download the stuff.
Have fun. :-)

Limal wrote: August 27th, 2005
i need a nice site where i can download stuff to my pc and then upload it to my phone using an ir cable. any free site...

jason wrote: December 7th, 2005
Usher ringtones for Nokia 5100
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