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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Siemens ringtonesRNS:: logo
Andy wrote: January 29th, 2005
I don't understand. Can the Siemens format ringtones be typed into a Siemens phone somehow (A55 in this case)?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 30th, 2005
If your phone has a composer, then you can use it to manually type in your ringtones in the "Siemens" format.

If your phone has an infra red port (IrDA) or has bluetooth, you may use HoHo to convert a ringtone to MIDI, and then beam/send the MIDI file with HoHo's MIDI Manager.

Andy wrote: January 31st, 2005
As far as I can see from the manual, that phone has neither a tune composer or an IR port.

The manual mentions tunes sent as an SMS. If I take the output from the Siemens module of HoHo (or one of the free ringtones) and SMS it from one phone to another, would it know what to do with it? Or is it some special format that I wouldn't be able to make?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 31st, 2005
I'm afraid it won't work that way.
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