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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

SharewareRNS:: logo
Jaron Martin wrote: March 24th, 2003
There are two basic deffenitions of shareware at http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=shareware.

1. Copyrighted software that is available free of charge on a trial basis, usually with the condition that users pay a fee for continued use and support.

2. software that has been copyrighted but is sold to users with permission to copy it and give it to others.

If i purchase HoHo, will i be able to give copies to other people?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 25th, 2003
Definitely it is the first one, but believe me, there are lots of other "shareware" definitions all over the Internet...

If you purchase HoHo, you should not give its copies to other people. That's why there is the "quantity" field in both stores that we sell HoHo in (PalmGear and Handango) - if you wish to use HoHo on more than one device, you should enter the appropriate number, and pay the appropriate fee. It is also precisely explained in the FAQ's of the two stores.
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