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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Request for IR supportRNS:: logo
Monty Burns wrote: July 31st, 2002
Great tool but adding IR support would make it the best there is!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 3rd, 2002
I understand you mean the IR support for cell phones? Otherwise, HoHo's MIDI Manager is capable of beaming MIDI files (and even whole databases) from one Palm to another.

There are a few reasons why HoHo doesn't support transferring ringtones to cell phones:

Each cell phone manufacturer has introduced its own method of receiving data, let alone the ringtones. What is more - take Nokia for example - these methods differ from one cell phone model to another. One single Nokia has a few standards. Implementing them all would take a very long time and effort.

Lack of complete public specification / documentation / reference of the transferring methods / protocols / modes from any of the manufacturers. This makes implementing the IR feature quite impossible.

I would not be able to test the effects, as I'm not going to possess more than just a single cell phone :-)

I really understand every Palm user that would certainly appreciate this feature in HoHo. That's also my desire to implement it. As you see, unfortunately I'm suffering from the lack of information about what I'd be to do.

Free full version of HoHoAnyway, since HoHo's early hours, my goal has been to add Nokia IR support first. I would really apreciate if anyone could help me with finding all the necessary documents. Whoever, whenever and whereever finds them all, please inform me by replying to this message here (on HoHo Discussion pages), or directly to my e-mail. I would be pleased to implement it in HoHo afterwards.

Free full versions of HoHo are waiting for those who contribute the most to the introduction of this feature!

alan wrote: August 23rd, 2002

David wrote: September 16th, 2002
I need info about the Nokia 3320

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 16th, 2002
Well... what I ment was that we all need it!

If somebody helps with Nokia support in general, your model (3320) will also be supported.

Robert Martin wrote: September 24th, 2002
if you check these guys out they should know EVERYTHING you need to know about nokia IR
(freeware nokia project)
i would kill to get a windows program that wrote palm midi files (convert from normal is fine)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 24th, 2002
Yes, I knew gnokii. Unfortunately everything they agree on is to put the whole gnokii library in HoHo.

gnokii is a multi-platform project. It is a great thing but not for PDA whose memory is limited. gnokii's code is quite big as for Palm, and it includes lots of unnecessary things as far as beaming ringtones from HoHo to cell phones is concerned.

Would you really kill...? :-) I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but check this: Simply Install - Pilot Install.
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