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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

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Volker wrote: September 1st, 2006
Does HoHo support Palm TX?

Can mp3 files be converted into MIDI files?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 1st, 2006
Yes, it does. Nevertheless, please always try the trial version before registering.

Conversion of MP3 files to MIDI files is a complicated and sometimes impossible process. There are some tools on the Internet, but in most cases the results of such conversion are not satisfactory.

Walter Lewis Olson, Jr. wrote: May 7th, 2008
I downloaded tthe trial version of HoHo and tried to move a .mid file from my 2Gb card to the Palm T|X. I got the message,"No files were imported!" HoHo doesn't work on my T|X? or I missed a detail thot is important? My Mac card reader sees the .mid file on the card. The file was transported by MissingSync Folders conduit.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 8th, 2008
Walter, I replied to you by e-mail.

Yan wrote: February 4th, 2009
I Install Hoho on my palm tx with the plugin midi manager, each time I try to select a midi file that I want to delete from my Palm, The Palm Reset. I think Hoho is not compatible with the Palm TX or what??

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 9th, 2009
Yan, please describe this problem more precisely. When exactly does the Palm reset?
Also: after you open MIDI Manager in HoHo, is any MIDI file highlighted?

Yan wrote: February 9th, 2009
When I try to select any midi file in midi file manager, the Palm reset! (with my midi file and also with the midi files in the system). So now my problem is that I have some files that I create that I want to delete but I can't cuz the palm reset with hoho midi manager! And I don't know other way to deletethese midi files... Thank to check this problem!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 12th, 2009
OK, please open HoHo's MIDI Manager and see if any MIDI file is already highlighted, or none?
If one MIDI file is selected, then can you perform operations on it? Like rename or beam?

Yan wrote: February 12th, 2009
Yes the first file named "alarme" is highlighted and I can rename it without problem, but when I try to selct any other file the Palm TX reset!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 18th, 2009
Hmm, this looks like a more general problem for me. Please try after deactivating any system hacks or extensions running in background.
Also, make sure that you're using the most recent version of HoHo and MIDI Manager Plug-In. You can get both from http://www.ranosoft.net/downloads/hoho_trial.zip

Yan wrote: February 18th, 2009
I Just find a solution... when select the first file and I lower it with the down arrow, I do this with all the files (important thing, the file ust be in top of the list) until the files I want is in top of the list and now I can delete it!
sorry for my english I hope you understand my explanation. Anyway it works!!

Thank for the time you took to help me to solve my problem!
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