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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

MIDI files on SD cardRNS:: logo
Jason wrote: December 11th, 2003
I put a bunch of MIDI files from my PC onto the SD card (without any installer). Can HoHo get to those and bring them into a database? Is there any plan to do something like this?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 12th, 2003
Yes, I have the plan to create a MIDI import/export plugin for the expansion cards. Expect it in the very next version.

Bob T wrote: April 18th, 2004
Any progress/update on this Radoslaw?

I am trying to create my own Sysyem Midi Sounds pdb for the Palm, so far I have not found any info, software, etc... that will let me do this. If I read your message correctly, the next version of HoHo will allow one to import/export a midi to this pdb, correct?

Thanks much.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 20th, 2004
As promised - you can expect the new plug-in in next release (HoHo 4.2). Currently I'm implementing some more changes, and I will finally release the new version.

But most importantly, today I have released a new version of Mider for HoHo. Using this freeware you can achieve your goal, i.e. put all your favourite MIDI files from PC to Palm (and vice-versa).

BobT wrote: April 20th, 2004
Any ETA on HoHo 4.2? Is there a beta? :-)

I mentioned Mider 2 for HoHo in another thread. Excellent! Thanks again.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 20th, 2004
Sorry, no beta at the moment...
ETA on HoHo 4.2 - April or May 2004.

BobT wrote: April 20th, 2004
Thanks Radoslaw.

If and when there is a beta I will be happy to test it on a TE if you like.
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