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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

How transfer ringtone to nokia 6210RNS:: logo
Alex wrote: June 19th, 2002
When I have composed my ringtone, how do I
send it to my mobile phone? I have a Nokia
6210. I tried to submit the text directly via IR,
but it did not work. But I am sure somebody
out here knows...



Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 19th, 2002
Unfortunately HoHo is unable to cooperate with cell phones as far as beaming the ringtones is concerned.

HoHo can create, edit and play ringtones, but you have to use other tools to transfer them to a phone.

Free full version of HoHoAnyway, since HoHo's early hours, my goal has been to add Nokia IR support first (and later other cell phones). I would really apreciate if anyone could help me with finding all the necessary documents. What I need is a complete documentation on the ringtone format, the transfer protocol, etc. Whoever, whenever and whereever finds them all, please inform me by replying to this message here (on HoHo Discussion pages), or directly to my e-mail. I would be pleased to implement it in HoHo afterwards.

Free full versions of HoHo are waiting for those who contribute the most to the introduction of this feature!
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