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Ericsson has a new format for their phones: iMelodyRNS:: logo
Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 5th, 2003
I was wondering, will you be adding a new plug-in for the new format?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2003
Probably - yes.
Do you know where exactly I can find some technical information on this format?

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 6th, 2003
Try this site:

Note: I don't know if it was just this system, or a problem with the .PDF file - probably the former, but for some reason, I was unable to open it due to problems with Adobe Reader (FYI: "Adobe Reader" is the new name for "Acrobat Reader"). Thus, I don't know what's in it!

Note also, that the URL I referenced here is just a list of links - you'll have to click on the right one:
EMS Developer Guide: iMelody Ericsson Phones

You might also want to check out this other link, also on the same page:
IrDA iMelody Specification: iMelody

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 6th, 2003
Wait! Stop! Try this one instead:

The otherone was more about how to send iMelody messages via EMS Messages or "Enhanced Message Service" (as opposed to "Short Message Service"). You can still take aa look if you wish. I didn't look at it very thoroughly.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 7th, 2003
Thanks! It looks very promissing. I'm a bit confused, however, as the ducuments describe the "iMelody" and "eMelody" formats. They seem to be one thing - are they? What is the correct name? :-)

Aaron, I had no problems with Acrobat Reader.

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 8th, 2003
Right, in a nutshell, "eMelody" format is the format you (HoHo) calls "Ericsson". Technically, "eMelody" format includes headers, footers, etc. When you see the "eMelody" and "iMelody" examples listed, look at where it says 'melody: <blah-blah>'. Inside where I have said "blah-blah", you will see the familliar Ericsson ringtone format if it is an "eMelody", or the new format if it is an "iMelody". The other parts of the e- and i-Melody formats are for transferring the info from one device to another. Such information includes: the Tempo, Volume, Octive, etc. If you were to include the ability to "Beam" a ringtone from a PDA to a Cell Phone, you would have to send this "header" info with the other data. If you just sent "bd +f D D a" or something, the receiving device wouldn't have any idea what you were referring to. Also, if a Cell Phone were to send a ringing tone to another device, it would include this information. Anyway, let me know if you require any other information.

By the way, you can also contact Alvin Mok as he is more knoledgeable about this stuff than I am!

Take a look at his eriTones project as well as (code-name) Tomoyo, the latter being under development.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 10th, 2003
Thanks a lot for the clear explaination.
I will add the new format to the very next HoHo version. Perhaps beaming, too.
I will contact you before the official release when I create the plug-in (early July) so that you may beta-test it. OK?

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 21st, 2003
> Radoslaw Nowak, RNS::

> 10/6/2003
> 15:00:35 RE: Ericsson has a new format for their
> phones: iMelody

> Message:
> Thanks a lot for the clear explaination.
> I will add the new format to the very next HoHo
> version. Perhaps beaming, too.
> I will contact you before the official release when
> I create the plug-in (early July) so that you may
> beta-test it. OK?

Today's Date: 20/7/2003 (or, the correct way: 07/20/2003 :)

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 21st, 2003
Oh, by the way the previously mentioned site:
does have some relivent info, in case you decided to listen to me and check the next link I listed. ("instead" should have been "in addition to"...)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 21st, 2003
You didn't say "OK" :-)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 25th, 2003
OK, the plug-in is ready for the tests now. Check your mailbox, Aaron!
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