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Can HoHo convert this.....RNS:: logo
Don Myers wrote: September 8th, 2002
I have a couple of sounds for my Handspring Treo
270 The Sounds are in Frequencies in Hertz &
Durations in milliseconds. (Zero Frequency
indicates silence).
Can HoHo convert this to a Palm MIDI file which
would make it Treo ring tone compatiable

for example

Frq: 4500 0 4500
Dur: 77 181 87

The first 2 notes of my sound (with a pause in
between ie 0 Frequency)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 13th, 2002
Yes this is possible but not automatically because MIDI tones are saved as notes and not as frequencies. You'll need to install two HoHo's plug-ins: MIDI Manager and MIDI Editor.

First you have to create a new empty MIDI file. As there is no "New" command in the HoHo's MIDI Editor, what you can do is to duplicate any MIDI file in the MIDI Manager, and then edit it with the MIDI Editor.

When in the MIDI Editor, erase all the previous notes of the sound being edited, and place your own instead.

You have to enter tones as notes, and not as frequencies. You'll have to manually find which note stands for given frequency. Use this table: http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tutr/notefreq.htm to find it out.

Save the file (and if necessary, move it to the Ringtones library) - and it's done!

In a future version I will extend the MIDI Editor's functionality so that it will automatically convert frequencies to notes and vice-versa.

Don Myers wrote: September 13th, 2002
What about the note length? How exactly do they
convert? Is there a chart for that?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 13th, 2002
Oh! I forgot to tell you about it :-)

When in the MIDI Editor, call the "Adjust Tempo" menu command. Check the "Time-code-based time" box. Set 25 fps and 40 tpf (ie. 25x40 = 1000 ticks per second). Tap the OK button.

Now the values that you enter in the "Len" column in the MIDI Editor are expressed in milliseconds.

Don Myers wrote: September 21st, 2002
Where is the "Adjust Temp" menu? I have
Ringtone -> To another format, export to midi
Edit -> undo,cut,copy,paste,select
all,replace,keyboard,keyboard help
Options -> hoho preferences,midi manager,change
format,change keyboard
help -> current format,current

I installed every .prc file in the hoho_full


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 21st, 2002
As I said - in the MIDI Editor - when you have already opened a MIDI file.
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