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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

Keyboard abc or 123RNS:: logo
Kingson Lee wrote: December 12th, 2006
Hello I found that for some reasons, the "keyboard (abc or 123)" does not work with Palm TX. Can you please check? Thanks.

-steve wrote: December 12th, 2006
Ditto on T5. Neither ABC, nor 123 seem to work. No doubt this is the infamous buggy palm dynamic input area causing this...

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 14th, 2006
In fact this feature does work on these Palms, but it shows a slightly different keyboard than the one you expect.

Try using the "123 Keyb." or "ABC. Keyb" items over an editable text field (you need to see the blinking cursor or some text selection), and you'll see these items actually work.

Kingson Lee wrote: December 15th, 2006
Hello Radoslaw, Thanks for the tips, it works. In fact it brings out the Mini-Keyboard that I had also purchased and I like it that way. Yes, we really have to click that on an editable text field, you are right... Thanks. Keep up the good work.

Kingson Lee wrote: December 15th, 2006
Dear Radoslaw, Kingson Again. I think your Hi-Launcher is one of the best Launchers for Palm in the world. I had been using Palm since US Robotic invented the first device (I forgot the name, but i have it on display in my conference room- too long already). Switching to Windows CE, Pda , Treo 600 and then Z22 and finally, I landed on the TX. I had been using many launcher programs in the last many years. Your windows like feature, the unlimited sub Menus, the Toggle and Special Features are very very good... Now that I got the keyboard figured out, I could actaully bring up the Mini-Keyboard that I installed instead of the default one in the TX.. that is a great plus... I do not have to press the left navigator anymore.... I really like it... Thanks.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 15th, 2006
Thanks a lot, Kingson!

Steve wrote: December 18th, 2006
Ditto... In the last five years I've gone through two Palms and many many launchers. I always comeback to the only one I've ever registered--Hi-Launcher :o)

Ingrid wrote: May 1st, 2012
Hi, Neat post. There is a problem along with your wsibete in internet explorer, would check this? IE still is the marketplace chief and a good component of folks will pass over your great writing due to this problem.
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