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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

A Remarkable ProductRNS:: logo
BM wrote: April 15th, 2007
I was looking for a launcher for my Palm TX that offered basic functionality (gave me access to apps and utilities on my TX, but wasn't too complex). and was having difficulty finding it. Most I found were too complex?such as TealDesktop?or others seemed not to be designed for handhelds like the TX.

Plus, when screen real estate is at a premium, do I really need tabs, literal tabs, taking up space?

Then I stumbled upon Hi-Launcher. It took me about a half an hour without instruction ("trial and erroring it" is the way I tend to learn about most electronic and software items) but once I got the hang of it it's functionality and simplicity were incredible.

It makes me wonder why I even need the standard launcher that comes with my TX (seriously, I am to the point of putting things in the standard launcher just to put them there, so effective is Hi-Launcher. Any advice to optimize usage of the standard Launcher so that it works better with Hi-Launcher would be appreciated).

Thanks for a very cool product.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 17th, 2007
Thanks for submitting your opinion!
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