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RNS:: Butterfly forum thread

Butterfly for BlackBerryRNS:: logo
Bob wrote: October 5th, 2008

I am a serious user of Butterfly on my Palm pda, and have long ago gotten my money's worth out of it. Last February I purchased a BlackBerry to replace my old cellphone. I really like it - it's a very useful tool with a lot of fun capabilities. One thing I've found is that the heavy users of these devices, known as "crackberries," love getting themes for their devices (I've collected three so far). Small wonder - the built-in appearance & themes up until recently have been pretty lifeless (the most recent OS upgrades are starting to look better). I just thought recently that a RIM-platform version of Butterfly could potentially do very well; I can see the crackberries really enjoying the capability of creating their own themes. The only potential downside would be that the Icon sets, which are different with every theme, are part of the fun of getting a new theme, which would be unchanged with Butterfly modification. Just a thought.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 6th, 2008
Thanks for sharing your thought, Bob.
Perhaps we will expand to other platforms soon, so I'm not saying 'no'. However, currently we develop for Palm OS only, and I cannot tell you anything more precise than what I said.
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