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RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platforms: Palm OS, Windows Mobile

RSS channel - RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock Overview of WeekUp Alarm Clock 3.1RNS:: logo
RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock - icon WeekUp Alarm Clock for
Have a weekly schedule? Set alarms once - always wake up on time!

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Version history for RNS:: WeekUp Alarm ClockVersion history
RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock - software screenshot
RNS:: WeekUp is the ultimate alarm clock for Windows Mobile!RNS:: logo
It's been highly anticipated by businessmen, students, and other workers with a weekly schedule.
Why set alarms every week? Now you can do it once and forever!RNS:: logo
Now you can set independent alarms for each day of week.
Once you do it, the alarms will sound every week at the given time.
Break the routine with a single tap!RNS:: logo
You can easily make one-time alarm modifications if the weekly routine is altered by a holiday or another unique event. This practical feature is possible thanks to the two separate columns in which you configure your alarms:
  • Weekly - set your typical weekly alarm times in the left column.
  • This Week - if the weekly routine should be changed for the current week only, modify the right column.
The this week alarm time is always restored to the typical weekly value after the modified alarm has sounded.
Powerful, yet simple and customizable!RNS:: logo

The alarm's sound and behavior is completely customizable:

  • You can use wave files available in your device or storage card.
  • Free adjustment of alarm volume (including the Ascending option), number of repetitions, snooze time, etc.
  • Additional Vibration alarm and Turn flight mode off options for smartphones.
Choose your best optionRNS:: logo
WeekUp is available in two configurations: full and lite.
The lite version is free, but it misses a part of the full version's functionality:
  • Disable all alarms with a single tap.
  • Modify the weekly routine with a single tap.
  • Use your favorite alarm sound.
WeekUp Alarm Clock user's resourcesRNS:: logo
User's manualUser's manual - everything you need to know to use WeekUp Alarm Clock efficiently.
User's ManualUser's manual PDF - downloadable version of the user's manual.
Forum threadsForum - read comments about WeekUp Alarm Clock and post your own messages.
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