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Databases for RNS:: TopAreaCodes

IntroductionRNS:: logo
TopAreaCodes is unable to display any information on the area code unless you install at least one of the databases from this web site. They contain area names and graphics like maps, flags, etc.
Step 1 - select your deviceRNS:: logo
Determines graphics resolution. Applicable to map, flag and seal databases:
- to download low resolution databases.
- to download high resolution databases.
Step 2 - select graphics qualityRNS:: logo
Determines graphics color depth. Applicable to flag and seal databases:
- to download 8-bit graphics.
- to download 16-bit graphics.
Step 3 - download databasesRNS:: logo
These databases contain area names:
World World Info
USA USA Info    Info
Austria Austria Info
Canada Canada Info
Germany Germany Info
France France Info
Italy Italy Info    Info
UK UK Info

These databases contain information about mobile network operators:
Austria Austria Info
Germany Germany Info    Examples
Italy Italy Info

These databases contain maps:
World World Example
USA USA Example

These databases contain flags:
World World Examples
USA USA Examples

These databases contain seals (coats of arms):
World World Examples
USA USA Examples
Explanation of symbolsRNS:: logo
World World databases show information on a country of your caller.
USA USA databases show detailed information about caller if he is in USA.
Austria Austria databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in Austria.
Canada Canada databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in Canada.
Germany Germany databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in Germany.
France France databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in France.
Italy Italy databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in Italy.
UK UK databases show detailed information about your caller if he is in the United Kingdom.
Alternative browsingRNS:: logo
PDA versionMobile version - the PDA optimized version of this page.
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