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RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock forum thread

Snooze focusRNS:: logo
Fabio Martins wrote: September 10th, 2011
Hello. I recently bought the full version of WeekUp Alarm Clock for my Palm Centro device, and after using it, I noticed that it has one little feature that, for me, would be great if it was a bit different.
Well, when an alarm is ringing, everything works fine, the buttons, the sounds, everything, but then I realized that the focus is not set to the button I wish it could. It would be great if the focus (blue line around the button) could be set to the Snooze button instead of the OK button. Is that simple to arrange? Is that possible to implement, as for a special version? I know you'd have to re-compile the whole program and just because of me... but anyway I wonder whether it's a simple thing to change or not, and most important, whether it can be done in a special case, as an exception.
The reason for this request is that most of times when we wake up we're unconscious and can't see where we're hitting into, the only thing we usually do is stop the annoying sound immediately, but at the same time, having the possibility to snooze and sleep a few more minutes, without dismissing the alarm, for mistake.
Sorry my bad english and forgive me if it's not possible to implement at this moment. Thank you anyway.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 11th, 2011
Hello. Yes, it's doable, but only in the form of a special version for an extra cost. I replied to you by e-mail to arrange the details.
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