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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

superman - five for fighting (tungstenw)RNS:: logo
carlos wrote: September 1st, 2003
i rencently purchased HoHo ver 4. i've tried the rtttl for the above tune but it doesn't sound good ... awkward ... i would appreciate if anyone oculd provide such tune for tungsten w.


Dolphin wrote: September 13th, 2003
Superman (Five for fighting)
Tempo: 180
2# 2# 4 5 6# 2#**9 58 2#* 2# 4 5 6# 2** 4 6# 2#* 2# 4 5 5# 1** 5* 5** 2#* 1**
2# 6#** 5#** 5#* 5** 2#** 2#* 2# 4 5 6# 2#** 5 6# 2#* 2# 4 5 6# 2** 4 6# 2#*
2# 4 5 5# 1** 5* 5** 2#* 6#* 2#* 5 5#* 5#* 5** 2#** 2#* 6#* 4** 4** 2#* 2#**
5 6# 2#* 2#8
( ) = hold key until a dot appears in the note

Five For Fighting-Superman
32.#c2 32.#c2 32.#d2 32.f2 8.#g2 32.#c2 32.#c2 32.#d2 16.f2 8.#g2 32.#a1 32.#c2
8#c2 32.#f2 32.f2 16.#c2 32.#a1 32.#c2 16.#f2 16.f2 8#c2 32.#c2 32.#c2 32.#d2
32.f2 8.#g2 32.#c2 32.#c2 32.#d2 16.f2 8.#g2 32#a1 32.#c2 8#c2 32.#f2 32.f2
8#c2 32.f2 32.#f2 32.f2 8#c2 32.#c2 16.#d2 32.#c2 8.#c2
(1)888+# (1)# (2)# (4) (5)99# (1)88# (1)# (2)# (4)9 (5)9# (6)88++# (1)+# 199#
(4)88# (4) (1)9# (6)8++# (1)+# (4)9# (4) 19# (1)88# (1)# (2)# (4) (5)99# (1)88#
(1)# (2)# (4)9 (5)9# 688++# (1)+# 199# (4)88# (4) 199# (4)88 (4)# (4) 199# (1)88#
(2)9# (1)8# (1)99#

Five For Fighting-Superman 2
8f2 4e2 4.c2 8g1 2d2 4- 8f2 4e2 4c2 4d2 4d2 4- 8f2 4e2 4.c2 8g1 2d2 4- 8f2 4e2
4c2 4d2 2d2 8c2 8c2 8d2 8e2 2g2 8c2 8c2 8d2 8e2 2g2 8- 8a1 8.c2 4c2 8f2 8e2 2c2
8f2 8e2 2c2 4d2 4c2 2g1 8e2 4d2 4.b1 1c2
48+ 39 (1) 58++ 299+ 08 488 39 1 2 2 0 48 39 (1) 58++ 299+ 08 488 39 1 2 29 188
1 2 3 599 188 1 2 3 599 088 688++ (1)+ 19 48 3 199 488 3 199 28 1 59++ 388+ 29
(7)++ 199+

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: September 14th, 2003
Thanks, Dolphin.
I hope carlos finds them useful...
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