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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Samsung I330RNS:: logo
Dgibbs wrote: June 23rd, 2003
Just purchased it and hoped to get some ringtones!! I called sprint and they suggested HoHo option. I will buy if someone tell me how to add it and get some ringtones.


Deperately Seeking Tones

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: July 7th, 2003
I beleive that this depends on whether your Samsung phone uses the same MIDI file format as do other Palm OS compatable devices. HoHo actually supports 3 different database names/types. If your phone does indeed use one of these databases as its ringtone file, then HoHo will work. If not...

If you're looking for ringtone samples look here, at the HoHo site, under the link for the message board, there are at least 3 links to ringtone files. Download one or more of these files, then copy+paste the tones that you want to seperate MemoPad records using Palm Desktop. Then use the HoHo MIDI Save Plugin to load the ringtone from your Palm Memo. Play the tone, if desired, then use the HoHo MIDI Export Plugin to export it to the correct RingTone file (select the right one using HoHo's preferences panel.)


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 10th, 2003
Dgibbs, I tried to contact you to your e-mail you had used to contact me directly, but it constantly rejects my replies saying "Reason: Over quota".

Unfortunately you cannot use HoHo to operate on your phone's ringtones. It's because they are not of a kind that HoHo supports - they are not standard MIDI files (though they are proprietory MIDI files) and also they do not have any text representation.
You can still however use HoHo to operate on alarms eg. for the Date Book application.

dgibbs wrote: April 7th, 2004
I am trying this again. I have purchased HOHO and have it loaded into my Palm. How do I get it to my sound type so that it works for my ringer or as stated earlier for my alarms.



Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 10th, 2004
Please refer to the following thread on HoHo FAQ:
How to convert a ringtone into an Alarm?
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