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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Rename causes crash in MidiManagerRNS:: logo
Jeffrey wrote: August 3rd, 2004
I have a number of midi files that are seen in the database of my Treo600, but if I try to rename them the unit crashes. This happens no matter hoe long or short the name is.
I have found that the Diddlebug application looks in both databases for its alarm and lists the file twice (once for each database). It will only play from the alarm database, hence I rename the file. The crash is not for every rename function and doesn't haooen all the time. It does not seem to be dependent on file size.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 8th, 2004
Jeffrey, can you send me the database you have problems with?

Did you also mean you renamed the whole database? Note that it is not enough to rename a database, you'll also have to pay attention to its "creator id". E.g. the "System MIDI Sounds" database should have the 'psys' creator id, and no other MIDI database should use this id.

Jeffrey wrote: August 8th, 2004
Thanks for replying. I am not renaming the whole database, just the midi file, so in Diddlebug, I can distinguish ( as both are listed) which is the alarm and which is the rintone. It doesn't happen with every midi file but it is rather annoying when it does happen. I'll try to email an offending file to you.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 20th, 2004
OK, I got the file, found the bug and fixed it.
It will be available in the next HoHo's release (version 4.3).

The problem was with renaming larger MIDI files (over 32K).

Thanks for reporting it, Jeffrey, and for providing the offending file.
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