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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Newbie - Should be able to figure this out ...RNS:: logo
Rob wrote: November 30th, 2004
I recently acquired the full HoHo to add MIDI files to DateBk5 on my m130. I have three WinZip files with the same System_MIDI_Sounds.pdb file. I know they each have unique MIDI sounds, but I can only seem to install one at a time through QuickInstall. When I install one, it overwrites the previous sounds list. Is there any way to install the sounds from all three files on my Palm so I can delete or modify the list to keep only those sounds I want? Thanks.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 30th, 2004
You may use RNS:: Mider for HoHo 2 to extract MIDI files from the .pdb files and then to compile them into a single database or into separate databases (they will not overwrite one another if they have different names).

Rob Lehner wrote: May 24th, 2005
I tried using Mider for HoHo, but was not able to rename the files. I'm sure this is an easy procedure, but I am confused as to how to combine the PDB files into one database. If I have three PDB files in zip format (e.g. A.zip, B.zip, and C.zip) and I unzip them them and they all have the same .pdb file name (System_Midi_Sounds.pdb) how do I combine them? Thanks.

Rob Lehner

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 24th, 2005
The simplest way I think is to open each System_Midi_Sounds.pdb with Mider and extract *.mid files from it. Then use Mider again to collect all the *.mid files back into one database (of any name).

Rob Lehner wrote: June 6th, 2005
Thanks, I finally got this to work.
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