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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

kyocera smartphoneRNS:: logo
leslie wrote: October 10th, 2002
my phone runs on the Palm OS system ... how do I get a ringtone to be on the list as a choice for ringtones on my phone side vs my palm side??

thanks, probably very simple and I just do not see it

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 10th, 2002
Unfortunately Kyocera Smartphone ringtones are not in the MIDI format nor in a simmilar one.

HoHo doesn't and won't support them.

Cara wrote: April 27th, 2003
why is there not a website that can tell u how to download ringtones to your phone or is it just not possible. Please let me know asap.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 27th, 2003
You mean Kyocera Smartphone? HoHo does not support ringtones for this phone.

As far as other (non-Palm-Powered phones) are concerned - you can create, edit, play, etc. the ringtones, but it is not possible to transfer them to or from the phone. Not with HoHo.
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