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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Import MIDI from PCRNS:: logo
Sean wrote: October 15th, 2002
Can I take a MIDI file from my PC and load it into the Treo 270 somehow and then edit it with HoHo and make it a ringtone?


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 16th, 2002
You can use Simply Install - Pilot Install to upload *.mid from your PC to Treo.

You can then use HoHo's MIDI Manager and MIDI Editor plug-ins to manage and edit these files.

Sean wrote: October 18th, 2002
One other note that I discovered. The Palm needs MIDI files saved as TYPE 0. A lot of editors save as type 1 and don't give you a choice. Also MIDI sounds sound best if you use only the first main insturment track. You can combine a bunch of insturments on one track but this usually sounds awful.

Tools to do this work include:
GNMIDFMT (MIDI Type Coverter) - www.gnmidi.com
and your favorite midi editor.....


Horace Ho wrote: December 17th, 2002
If I use Pilot install, which path should I use to store the mid files? Also can I store those mid files into memory card?


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 17th, 2002
"Simply install" the MIDI files. They will be automatically moved to the System MIDI Sounds database.
However, they will be useless for the system and for HoHo if saved on a memory card.

Horace wrote: December 18th, 2002
Then how to add MIDI file to Library or RingTone group?


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 18th, 2002
And this is where RNS:: HoHo comes into play:

1) Use Pilot Install to upload *.mid files to System MIDI Sounds.
2) Run HoHo.
3) Open HoHo's MIDI Manager.
4) Select the uploaded MIDI.
5) Use the "Copy To..." command to copy the ringtone to another database (Library or Ring Tones).

Horace wrote: December 18th, 2002
Thank you!!
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