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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

How do I add a MIDI file to a database?RNS:: logo
Max wrote: July 22nd, 2004
I always created my ringtones from scratch using HoHo 3.5 but I recently wanted to add a few midi files I downloaded to my PC, but I can't figure out how to do it, first I convert the midi files to format 0, then I use mider to create a .PDB file, and copy the .PDB file to my Clie... but my database does not appear in the hoho preferences "MIDI database" list, I only have Alarms, Ringtones and Library...

How can I add my library to hoho?

Best regards,


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 22nd, 2004
Only HoHo 4.0 and newer can see custom databases.
Please download the most recent version.
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