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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Handspring VisorPhoneRNS:: logo
Breeze wrote: August 29th, 2002
Does the HoHo program allow you to edit ring tones for the Handspring VisorPhone?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 29th, 2002
It does not allow yet.
Please run MIDI_search.prc on your device and send the results to me.
With the results I can see if I can add the support of your Palm.

Wing wrote: April 19th, 2003
I am a SprintPCS Wireless Digital Link (post-visorphone) user and would like to know if I can augment the ringer tones for this phone as well. I am using it with a Visor Pro. (I also just bought and installed the full version of HoHo

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 19th, 2003
So go ahead and run MIDI_search.prc on your device and send the results to me.
I will then tell you if it is possible to make HoHo work with the module, and if it is, the very next version will support it...

Wing wrote: April 22nd, 2003
Hi RaNo,

Below is the output from my SprintPCS WWDL when the midi search.prc was run. I had been testing out various tone packages and been typing up my own tunes(sg-1, entertainer, and fur elise). I don't see any of the ringtones which the WWDL uses on the list below.


. RecDB [Slms|EPRo|SavedSystemRingTones|1|1]
. PMrc [0|Fur Elise]

. ResDB [panl|gnrl|General|13|7]
. MThd [MIDI|2001]
. MThd [MIDI|2002]
. MThd [MIDI|2003]
. MThd [MIDI|2004]
. MThd [MIDI|2005]
. MThd [MIDI|2006]
. MThd [MIDI|2000]

. ResDB [rsrc|psys|System|27|1]
. MThd [MIDI|10000]

. RecDB [smfr|GSMr|System Ring Tones|3|3]
. PMrc [0|Fur Elise]
. PMrc [1|SG-1 opening theme]
. PMrc [2|The Entertainer]

. RecDB [smfr|HSsf|System MIDI Library|1|1]
. PMrc [0|The Entertainer]

. RecDB [smfr|HSsf|Treoringtones-sample|11|11]
. PMrc [0|Alarm]
. PMrc [1|DMB-Proud]
. PMrc [2|DMB-Satellite]
. PMrc [3|SG-1 opening theme]
. PMrc [4|SMS-Alert4]
. PMrc [5|SMS-Alert5]
. PMrc [6|SMS-Ants]
. PMrc [7|TechoOne]
. PMrc [8|TechoThree]
. PMrc [9|TechoTwo]
. PMrc [10|The Entertainer]

. RecDB [smfr|psys|System MIDI Sounds|11|11]
. PMrc [0|Alarm]
. PMrc [1|Alert]
. PMrc [2|Bird]
. PMrc [3|Concerto]
. PMrc [4|Fur Elise]
. PMrc [5|Phone]
. PMrc [6|Sci-fi]
. PMrc [7|SG-1 opening theme]
. PMrc [8|The Entertainer]
. PMrc [9|The Entertainer]
. PMrc [10|Wake up]


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 22nd, 2003
Thanks, Wing.
I'm afraid, however, that HoHo will not support the module as its ringtones are saved in a proprietary (perhaps MIDI-like) format.

Wing wrote: April 23rd, 2003
Hmm... that's too bad. :|

Thanks for the assist! I continue to add and change the alarms/alerts for my pda with hoho. :)
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