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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

entering tones problemRNS:: logo
Judy Spradley wrote: July 22nd, 2003
I think HoHo is the best thing invented for palm os and cell phones!!! I am having so much fun entering my songs and converting them to ring tones for my cell phone. After using the trial version, I purchased the full version and installed all the plug ins. I have been using it in piano keyboard format for tune entry. Just yesterday, for an unknown reason, the program quit automatically entering the text as I played the keyboard. I have gone over all the options to make sure I didn't check or uncheck something. Can you help me? Is there a limit to the number of tunes that can be added to a library(my system midi library is at 12k)? I have a mg of memory left on my pda, so that should not be a problem. What have I done wrong?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 22nd, 2003
The only limit to the number of ringtones or MIDI files is the amount of free memory in your Palm, which - as you said - is not the problem.

The text form of a ringtone can be up to 128 characters long in the trial version and up to 1024 characters long in the full one.

I think you must have uncheched the "Toggle Recording from Keyboards" option available as the "R" icon in the HoHo's toolbar (the one to the left from the ringtone field).

Judy Spradley wrote: July 25th, 2003
Yes!! That was it. I thought it must be something simple. Thank you for a fun program!
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