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RNS:: HBX forum thread

HBX causing crashes on Treo 755pRNS:: logo
Kres McGrath wrote: May 17th, 2007
I just put HBX on my new Treo 755p and occasionally, it will cause the phone to reboot. It most often occurs when I tap the phone icon. Says something about can't return to a form.

Please help, I can't live without HBX!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 22nd, 2007
We'll take care of Treo 755p compatibility in the next release.

James wrote: June 2nd, 2007
I have a new 700p, and it does the same thing pretty consistently, in one specific case. I have the phone button set to launch apps through HBX, and it crashes every time IF I'm in the phone application itself when I press the button.

The error is, "System Crash <date> <time> While running HBX 'Form.c, Line:5627, No form to return to'" If I'm in any other application, it seems to work fine. Any thoughts?

Also, is there a timeframe for a new release?

LOVE HBX and hope I can get it working.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2007
I'm sorry, but there's no timeframe yet.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 19th, 2008
Version 4.0 is now compatible with all Treos.

James wrote: January 19th, 2008
Thanks, Radoslaw. It seems to be working great now with my 700p. Hooray!

James wrote: January 24th, 2008
Well, hmmm. HBX is still causing crashes exactly as I described before, but not every time I'm in the phone application. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 26th, 2008
James, can you describe it more precisely? You wrote:

I have the phone button set to launch apps through HBX (what 4 applications did you assign to the Phone button?), and it crashes every time IF I'm in the phone application itself when I press the button (so it crashes even before displaying the HBX pop up window?).
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