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RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock reviews by PalmGear customers

PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
I'm currently using the lite version and it is excellent! I wanted to try it for my son ( age 11 ) who is special needs to see if it was something he could use , we are training him in how to use a PDA to increase his independence , he loves it and so do I. Its a great app we intend to upgrade to the full version soon.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Excelent program. Great tones collection. Easy to use and set... But there is missing a SNOOZE FUNCTION, so I wakeup and press Ok for silence then I sleep again. A big snooze button is needed!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This is a MUST HAVE for every worker especially if you have a flexible time schedule. Get the FULL VERSION. You can use your favorite tune or any MIDI file available in your PDA which is really nice. Programs by other developers only let you use a few midis that are available imbedded in their programs. Set a different time for each day of the week according to your schedule. It does not take up as much space as some of the more expensive alarms do. This is GREAT alarm clock! Well worth the money.
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